This will be a major big heading

This is a going to be a very short paragraph with nothing really interesting to say.

Here's an even shorter one.

What is a Heading?

Headings are short lines of text that introduce sections of a document. They serve as titles, sub-titles, and sub-sub-titles. There are six levels of headings in HTML, designated H1 thru H6. That is, the smallest heading is:

The least of headings

This will be a major big heading

This is a going to be a very short paragraph in which I'll emphasize there's nothing really interesting to say.

Here's an even shorter one.

Here's a little bit of CSS. Normally, you place stylesheet rules in a separate file or in a special section at the beginning of the page rather than apply a presentation style to an individual element. In posted messages, however, those options are not available.2

This is also a heading
but I'm using linebreak tags
to force it into 3 lines